Where it all started

 Hi, I’m Ervin Saar, and I come from a cozy town called Rakvere in Estonia. I’ve had a huge interest in motorcycles since I was a kid, but I didn’t have the chance to explore it until later. I got my first motocross bike in 2017, and that’s when my love for riding really took off. The idea for making motorcycle fastenings came from my own experiences and the stories of other riders.

Dealing with straps to secure my bike was tiring and not very convenient. It often led to problems like the suspension wearing out and oil leaking. I also had to be careful not to scratch the handlebars, and sometimes I had to work hard to thread the straps through cables just to make them stay in place. There were even times when the straps came loose, and my bike fell over. Plus, it took up so much time.

All of these experiences led to the creation of Underdog Bindings OÜ. Our goal is to give riders more time to enjoy the road and less time struggling with loading and unloading their bikes. Our solution is easy to use, and you can quickly remove it without any fuss.

At Underdog Bindings, we think that motorcycle fans deserve a simple and stress-free experience. We’re dedicated to making that happen. Our mission is to make your time on the road even better – so you can focus on the excitement of riding, without the hassle.

Underdog meaning for us

“Underdog,” particularly in the realm of sports, signifies the less-favored contender, often underestimated but possessing an immense potential for success. It’s the story of someone or something considered an outsider, yet having the determination and ability to surpass expectations and achieve remarkable victories. Just as in sports, in the business world, an underdog embodies the spirit of resilience, the capacity to thrive against the odds, and the potential for substantial growth despite starting from a less prominent position. It embodies the ethos of rising from obscurity to prominence, leveraging one’s strengths and determination to achieve remarkable success.

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